90 - March 1

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Monday March 1

-Absolutely no bouncing. Control the descent on each rep, take a least :02 to lower the bar back to the ground. Keep the weight moderate.
-You can switch hands anytime on the DB Snatch. After the 4 rounds go straight into the Row. Try to maintain or increase your pace as you go!
-Looking for at least 3 rounds of moving through this range of motion. Stay in control!

Warm Up Min 0-8
2 Rounds
Row 250m
12 Good Mornings 45/35
12 Knees to Elbows
12 S-Arm KB Sumo Deadlift (6/arm)

Get Strong Min 18-28
In 10:00 complete 3x8

Move Steady Min 35-51
4 Rounds
20 DB Hang Snatch 50/35
50 Double Unders
80/65 Calorie Row
16 Min Cap

Quality Time Min 55-60
10 GHD Sit Ups
30' HS Walk

Recharge (Optional) Min 65-90
15 Min Flush - Bike, Walk, Row
5 Min Choice of Shoulder and/or Pec Mobility/Smash
5 Min Choice of Calf Mobility/Smash
 Tuesday March 2

-Reps in Reserve or RIR: If you had a prescription of 3 RIR that means means if you think you could do 10 at a particular weight, you would stop at 7 reps. You can use this to know when to stop a set that you don't know how many reps you can complete. In today's piece, which you're in the middle of the set, you should stop when you think "I might only have 3 reps left in my legs". It's a judgement call.
-Spread the Bike Cals across the full min, Crank out the Push Ups in 1-3 sets in the first :30 if possible, Move steady through all 16 Lunge Steps, Push Press should be light to moderate weight and Unbroken throughout

Warm Up Min 0-8
2:00 on Bike
20 Wallballs
2:00 on Bike
30 HS Shoulder Taps

Get Strong Min 17-29
Front Squat
Every 3:00 for 12:00
Complete a set with 3 "Reps in Reserve" at each percentage
Reps @65%
Reps @70%
Reps @75%
Reps @80%

Move Steady Min 36-60
16/10 Calories on AAB/Echo Bike
16 Push Ups
16 Goblet Walking Lunge Steps 53/35
8 Push Press 135/95

Recharge (Optional) Min 65-90
15 Min Flush - Bike, Walk, Row
5 Min Choice of Shoulder and/or Scap Mobility/Smash
5 Min Choice of Quad Mobility/Smash
Wednesday March 3

-Avoid overloading the Cleans. This more about getting a little time under tension and moving through long range of motion. Heavy weight should be strongly de-prioritized
-If you're really sticking to "Recharge" you can approach the AMRAP like this: Comfortable paced Run, 5s on the Power Snatch, controlled steady Burpees until time expires. It's all about that Burpee footwork to allow you to keep moving in total control.

Warm Up Min 0-9
1:00 Single Unders
200m Run
1:00 Double Unders
200m Run
1:00 Double Unders

Get Powerful Min 18-30
Power Clean
3 T&G Reps
Keep all sets between 50-80%

Move Steady Min 37-60
5x AMRAP 3 / Rest 2:00
200m Run
15 Overhead Squats 75/55
Max Bar Facing Burpees in remaining time

Recharge (Optional) Min 65-90
15 Min Flush - Bike, Walk, Row
5 Min Choice of Wrist and/or Forearm Mobility/Smash
5 Min Choice of Hamstring Mobility
Friday March 5

-To put up an "Elite" score from back in the day you needed over 10 rounds. A simple way to keep moving is to break the Push Press and TTB into 2 quick sets from the start. Avoid spending too much time under tension too early.
-You should be as warm as possible moving into the Snatch. Start moving the back during the rest period through ROM if you're starting to recover sooner.
-5:00 is not a lot of time, take chances with bigger sets early on if you feel good. However, at any point if you think you'll fail your next rep, come off the bar.

Warm Up Min 0-9
3:00 Row
10 Inch Worms + Push Up
15 Plate Squats w/ :02 hold in bottom
10 Strict Press w/ empty bar

Get Fit Min 18-36
Open WOD 12.3
15 Box Jumps 24/20"
12 Shoulder to OH 115/75
9 Toes to Bar

Rest 4:00 then into:

Get Powerful Min 40-50
Squat Snatch
In 10:00 Establish a 1RM

Quality Time Min 55-60
Climb the Ladder
2 Bar Muscle Ups
10/8 Calorie Row
4/10(8), 6/10(8), 8/10(8), etc..

Recharge (Optional) Min 65-90
15 Min Flush - Bike, Walk, Row
5 Min Choice of Shoulder and/or Pec Mobility/Smash
5 Min Choice of Calf Mobility/Smash

Saturday March 6

-Break the SHSPU up into many smaller sets with short rest. Same goes for the HS Walk, each time you kick back up you get to ride some free momentum forward, use it.
-It's a good day for a PR. Let's see what you have in the tank after a week of Recharge.

Warm Up Min 0-10
5:00 on AAB
20 Alt Hang DB Snatch
10 Kipping HSPU
50' Banded Monster Walk

Get Fit Min 20-30
Open WOD 19.3
For Time
200' DB OH Walking Lunge 50/35
50 DB Box Step Ups 24/20" 50/35
50 Strict HSPU
200' HS Walk
10 Min Cap

Get Strong Min 44-60
Back Squat
In 6:00 establish a 3RM
In 5:00 establish a 2RM
In 5:00 establish a 1RM

Recharge (Optional) Min 65-90
15 Min Flush - Bike, Walk, Row
5 Min Choice of Shoulder and/or Scap Mobility/Smash
5 Min Choice of Quad Mobility/Smash

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