90 - March 15

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 Monday March 15

-Don't limit yourself on the Power Clean weight if you feel like the Lunges will be too challenging. If you can't get the Lunges in the last set or two, that's okay.
-Try to finish each movement in 2 sets or less. Break on purpose to ensure you can stick to that goal. The one place you can hit more sets (if needed) should be the TTB.
-Keep transition to next to nothing. Rest on top of the Box if you need to stop, and keep a Row pace you can keep moving with.

Warm Up Min 0-9
3:00 Bike
20 Jumping Alt Lunges
30 Single Arm KB Swings (15/side)
3:00 Bike (faster than last time)

Get Strong Min 21-33
4 T&G Power Clean + 4 Front Rack Lunge Steps (2/side)
Every 2:00 for 12:00

Get Fit Min 48-68
3 Rounds
25 Wallballs
25 Toes to Bar
25 Power Cleans 95/65
2:00 Rest
18 Min Cap

Finisher Min 80-90
Climb the Ladder
3 Calorie Row
3 Box Jump Overs 24/20
6/6, 9/9, etc...

Competitor Extra 1
10:00 to Build to 1RM
rest as needed
Max Reps at 70% 1RM

Competitor Extra 2
C2 Bike
5k For Time
Increase the Damper 1-2 notches every 1k
Tuesday March 16

-Try to smash the time cap, but avoid misses. Be fast and powerful on the Snatches but slow, controlled, and deliberate on the OHS
-Run hard, break up the Pull Ups as needed, keeping in mind you should be able to keep stepping on the box without much rest. Don't blow up before you get there.
-Many small sets of HS Walks can be more beneficial than long distance UB on your hands. Practice just that.

Warm Up Min 0-8
400m Run
50' Duck Walk
50' Butt Kicks
50' High Knees
50' Inch Worms
20 Empty Bar OHS

Get Powerful Min 20-38
1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
For Time
10 Reps of complex @ 70-75% 1RM Snatch
Rest 2:00
8 Reps of complex @ 75-80%
Rest 2:00
6 Reps of complex @ 80-85%
18 Min Cap

Get Fit Min 48-68
For Time
800m Run
40 Pull Ups
40 DB Box Step Ups 50/35 24/20"
400m/30/30, 200m/20/20
20 Min Cap

Finisher Min 78-90
4 Rounds
:90 on :90 off
15 Russian KB Swings 70/53
Max HS Walk in 10' increments
10' = 1 Rep
(must kick up and down every 10')

Competitor Extra 1
Push Press
In 5:00 complete 3x3
In 5:00 complete 3x2
in 5:00 complete 3x1

Competitor Extra 2
2 Mile time trial
Wednesday March 17

- Increase your Squat weight based on how well the prior set went. 8 is an unusual set, your first attempt should be moderate in weight and allow you to build with confidence.
-This piece is meant to be done at a steady pace throughout. Don't do something silly like ripping your hands doing BMU right before an open announcement. Break sets as much as needed. If no Bike Erg available, use another machine for equal time/effort
-Big sets of Squats, steady Burpees, fast singles on the Power Snatches

Warm Up Min 0-10
1000m Row
20 Jumping Squats
15 V-Ups
15 Kang Squats w/ Empty Bar

Get Strong Min 20-35
Back Squat
Every 3:00 for 15:00
Complete 8 Reps
increase weight across sets

Get Fit Min 48-68
20/15 Calories on Bike Erg
50 Double Unders
20/15 Calories on Bike Erg
10 Bar Muscle Ups

Finisher Min 82-90
For Time
30 Front Squats 135/95
40 Lateral Bar Burpees
20 Power Snatch 135/95
8 Min Cap

Competitor Extra 1
Sandbag Carry 100/70
100m x 6
Rest as needed
Carry anyway

Competitor Extra 2
700m, 600m, 500m, 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m
Rest :60 between sets
increase pace each set
Friday March 19

- On Thursdays, once the Open Workout is released, we will create the warm up and extras for each of our programs. Check our IG (@jumpshiptraining) before doing the workout on Friday! The programming will be updated in the TH app before Friday.

Warm Up Min

Open WOD

Get Powerful Min

Competitor Extra
Saturday March 20

-Rack and un-rack between each prescribed set.
-The Rope Climbs can be the biggest separator in a piece like this. Become the athlete that can attack the Rope without burning your arms out.
-The Deadlift weight should be something you can do UB throughout. The HSPU might start to fall apart if you're not proficient enough.

Warm Up Min 0-9
5:00 Bike
20 Push Ups
20 Goblet Squats
50' HS Walk

Get Strong Min 23-38
Front Squat
Every 5:00 for 15:00
Complete 3-2-1
Increase weight each set
Increase starting weight each wave

Get Fit Min 50-68
4 Rounds
500/450m Row
10 Squat Cleans 155/105
5 Rope Climbs 15'

Quality Time Min 80-90
3x AMRAP 2 / Rest 2:00
7 Deadlift 205/135
5/5 (second AMRAP)
3/3 (third AMRAP)

Competitor Extra 1
Pendlay Row
Gradual Build if possible

Competitor Extra 2
5 Rounds
5 Strict Muscle Ups
10 Burpee "Get Overs" 48/40"
You can use hands and feet to get over box/wall

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