90 - March 8
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Monday March 8 DAILY FOCUS: -Warm up the Back Squat before starting the 4x4. Use those sets to build to a "heavy 4". Then, based on how your set of 4 went, continue to build through the doubles and on to the single. -If you change your own weights, think about whether you want more rest before or after the CTB. Consider where you'll be breaking as the weight gets heavier... -Run hard, you'll be breaking the Push Ups by the first or second round anyway. While your arms are coming back to life your heart rate will come down a bit. Warm Up Min 0-8 3 Rounds 200m Run 6 Kang Squats w/ Plate 6 Ground to OH w/ Plate Get Strong Min 18-34 Back Squat In 8:00 complete 4x4 In 6:00 complete 2x2 In 2:00 complete 1x1 Get Fit Min 48-63 AMRAP 15 10 Front Squats 95/65 10 Shoulder to OH 95/65 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups R2 - 115/75, R3 - 135/95, R4 - 155/105 R5 - 175/115, R6 - 195/125, R7 - 215/135 Finisher Min 78-90 3 Rounds 400m Run 40 Push Ups 12 Min Cap Competitor Extra 1 DBL KB Front Rack Lunge 100' x 4 At least 50' increments UB You pick KB weight Rest 3:00 Competitor Extra 2 Every 5:00 for 20:00 25/15 Calories on AAB :60 Wallsit accumulate :60 in as many sets as it takes |
Tuesday March 9 DAILY FOCUS: -Try to finish the 1RM work by the 15:00 mark. Wait until the last minute to hit that max set. -This will really test your Shoulders, and your ability to strategically pace and break sets. Once you blow your Shoulder up, you're toast. Multiple sets on DU and WB. Practice the fast kick up, walk, kick down, over and over to avoid too much time under tension. -Deadlifts should be unbroken throughout. Choose weight accordingly to allow for that. Warm Up Min 0-8 2 Rounds 30/20 Calorie Bike 15 Push Ups 15 Banded Pull Aparts Get Strong Min 18-36 Bench Press In 18:00 establish a 1RM and complete 1 Max set @70% 1RM Get Fit Min 50-65 For Time 100 Double Unders 50 Wallballs 20/14 10/9' 150' HS Walk 50 Wallballs 100 Double Unders 15 Min Cap Quality Time Min 80-90 EMOM 10 10 Deadlift 225/155 1 Rope Climb 9/1, 8/1, 7/1, etc. Both movements in the same minute Competitor Extra 1 3 Rounds 100' Farmers Carry AHAP 15 Strict Pull Ups Competitor Extra 2 Ski 200m x 8 Rest 2:00 Match exact efforts |
Wednesday March 10 DAILY FOCUS: -To build use 5s then 3s then 1s. You'll probably have time for 5-6 sets in the 10:00 as long as you don't keep dropping the weight on the floor every time. On the AMRAP I'd recommend you Snatch the first rep, find your groove, then go. -Real simple monostructural work before you face 21.1 in a couple days. Try to match times round after round. Adjust Burpee reps if needed to allow for acceptable rest. -Unbroken Squat sets are key, use the Runs to bring your legs back for the next set. Warm Up Min 0-10 1000m Row then 2 Rounds 12 OHS 45/35 w/ pause in bottom 6 Strict Pull Ups w/ :03 negative Get Strong Min 18-34 Overhead Squat 10:00 to establish a 1RM rest 2:00 AMRAP 4 Reps @75% 1RM Use a Rack or Snatch the weight Get Fit Min 40-72 Every 4:00 for 32:00 500/450m Row 12 Rower Facing Burpees Finisher Min 81-90 2 Rounds 200m Run 15 Thrusters 95/65 200m Run 30 Alternating Pistols 9 Min Cap Competitor Extra 1 Power Snatch + Low Hang Squat Snatch + High Hang Squat Snatch EMOM 15 1 Complex Build weight throughout Competitor Extra 2 6 Rounds 60 Double Unders 10 GHD Sit Ups |
Friday March 12 DAILY FOCUS: - On Thursdays, once the Open Workout is released, we will create the warm up and extras for each of our programs. Check our IG (@jumpshiptraining) before doing the workout on Friday! The programming will be updated in the TH app before Friday. Warm Up Min TBD Open WOD 21.1 Get Powerful Min TBD Competitor Extra 1 TDB |
Saturday March 13 DAILY FOCUS: -The 10s should be moderate in weight and under complete control with zero bouncing. The 6s should get heavy. The 2s are your CNS builder. -Push beyond your comfort zone and back on the rest to bail you out should you hit a wall somewhere. You have a liberal cap in case you find yourself in trouble somewhere along the way. -If SHSPU are a strong movement for you, consider pushing the Squat Clean speed either in FAST singles or T&G. If the SHSPU volume seems tough, you'll want to keep your heart rate more in control and possibly scale the reps back. Warm Up 0-8 400m Run 20 Good Mornings 45/35 20 Goblet Reverse Lunges 30 Lateral Hops over Bar Get Strong Min 18-34 Deadlift In 16:00 complete 10-10-6-6-2-2 Increase weight across sets Get Fit Min 50-74 3 Rounds 30/18 Calories on AAB or Echo 20 Alternating DB Snatch 70/50 10 Muscle Ups Rest 3:00 24 Min Cap Finisher Min 84-90 5-4-3-2-1 Squat Cleans 185/135 Strict HSPU (x2) Competitor Extra 1 Front Squat Every 3:00 for 15:00 complete 5 heavy reps Competitor Extra 2 Row 40/30 Calories x 6 Rest 2:00 |